Class of 2024 Graduation
The Commencement of the Class of 2024 began with the Baccalaureate Mass, celebrated by Father Peter Clarke and Father Carmen Buono. The Crusader Choir provided stunning music, featuring the final choral performances of several of our graduates. After Mass, Bishop Kevin Sweeney joined the community for the graduation ceremony. Two of our most treasured awards were presented at the start of graduation. The Crusader Award was given to Annabel Hooey, the Bishop Rodimer Christian Service Award was given to Christopher and Luke Walsh. These awards are voted on by our faculty and recognize students who are deeply committed to the mission of Morris Catholic. Salutatorian, Amelia Kerr (Salutatorian) and Valedictorian, Michelangelo Oberti (University of Pennsylvania), offered reflective and poignant speeches.