Cosmo Lorusso
Director of College Admissions, Junior and Senior Year Guidance Counselor
Montclair State College: Bachelor of Arts, English
Northeastern University: Master of Arts in Writing
Mr. Lorusso has worked in education as a teacher, coach, and guidance counselor since 1987.
As the junior and senior guidance counselor, I begin to work with students through their junior year and stay with them through graduation. I assist in creating senior course schedules that will challenge students and give them the rigor they will need to earn acceptances into colleges. Together we develop a college plan. I guide all seniors through the college application process and submit all required documents to the colleges to which they apply.
Maria Mendoza, MSW, LCSW
9th and 10th grade Guidance Counselor and SSD Coordinator
Amherst College: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Spanish Literature
Boston College: Masters of Social Work, Clinical Social Work
Maria Mendoza has been a Guidance Counselor at Morris Catholic since 2016 and working in the Mental Health field since 2003.
As a 9th and 10th grade guidance counselor, I support students' transition into high school and foster their social and emotional development. I assist in creating their course schedules to help keep them challenged and engaged academically. In addition, I am the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) coordinator for students with an individual service and support plan.
Toni Havers, CSW
Advisory Teacher and Counselor
Key Club Advisor and After School Academic Program Case Manager
Edinboro University of PA: Bachelors's Degree in Social Work
Toni Havers has been a Guidance Counselor at Morris Catholic since 2016 and working in the Behavioral Health field since 2007.
I work with freshmen through seniors in an individualized structured program that monitors academic growth and goals. Students will be taught the following: time management skills, organizational skills, stress management, preparedness, and self-advocacy skills. This class provides additional support to ensure students succeed at MCHS.
Karen Shaw
Administrative Assistant to the Guidance Department
Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA
I provide administrative support to the Guidance Department. On a daily basis, I interact with students, parents and teachers. I keep track of seniors’ college acceptances. The tradition at MCHS is when seniors are accepted to colleges, we hang the college banner in the hallway and list their name with the corresponding college they are attending. I also assist in various ways with the Baccalaureate, the Senior Awards Ceremony, and Graduation.